vineri, 28 iulie 2017

Ridica-te! Get up!

Dorinta - toti proactivi. Mda, usor de zis, dar cum... Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac... Este foarte simplu!
   Am uitat lumina aprinsa. Ma ridic si o sting!
   Mi-am adus aminte ca am lasat geamul deschis. Ma ridic si il inchidl!
   A ramas sa... Nu conteaza ce, este ceva ce nu am terminat, ceva ce am uitat, este posibil, este normal (cel putin din punctul meu de vedere), nu suntem roboti programati sa facem asta si asta.
   Creierul are taine nepatrunse, dar ca orice lucru lasat de izbeliste, se va atrofia, va lancezi, ma va "ajuta" sa nu mai am vointa, sa nu mai simt viata, sa ma bucur pe deplin de tot ceea ce pot realiza, de tot ceea ce pot intreprinde. Cum? Simplu!
    Azi imi las sosetele aiurea. Maine nu pun un tricou la locul lui. In alta zi voi lasa lucrul ala asa cum l-am zarit, aiurea in tramvai. Dar pe mine nu ma deranjeaza. Nu acum. Nici maine.
   Poimaine nu, dar, in curand nu voi mai vrea sa cobor dupa paine. La anu' nu voi mai dori sa urc la munte. Incredibil, dar incep sa urasc cantarul si ma pot bucura de minge doar la televizor. Ce fain, am telecomanda, sunt vedeta ca si Al Bundy! Aia nu-mi mai place, nici aia, si ce sa vezi, nici lucrul ala! Nimic! Ioc! Sunt cel mai tare cusurgiu de pe fata planetei! Diabolicul televizor ma ajuta. Sa fiu fiinta furata din prezentul meu si viitor copiilor, nepotilor. 
   Inceputul este simplu, GANDUL. Gandul ca POT. Gandul ca VREAU. Gandul ca imi este UTIL.  
   Ma ridic si pun pas dupa pas. Pur si simplu ma ridic, pur si simplu zambesc si merg mai departe!
   Asta este primul pas, MA RIDIC!

Desire - all proactive. Yeah, easy to say, but how ... Tic-tac, tic-tac, tic-tac ... It's very simple!
 I forgot the bright light. I get up and get it off!
I remembered that I left the window open. I get up and close it!
It's left to ... It does not matter what, it's something I have not done, something I forgot, it's possible, it's normal (at least from my point of view), we are not robots scheduled to do this and that.

   The brain has mysterious unsearchable, but as anything left, it will atrophy, it will destroy, it will "help" me no more will, I can not feel my life, I can fully enjoy everything I can accomplish, all what they can do. How? Simple!
   Today I leave my socks down. Tomorrow I do not put a shirt in his place. On the next day, I will leave that thing as I have seen it, an elsewhere in the tram. But it does not bother me. Not now. Not tomorrow.
   No, no, but soon I will not want to get down after the bread. I will not want to climb the mountain anymore. Unbelievable, but I start hating the scale and can only enjoy the ball on TV. Well, I have a remote, I'm the star as Al Bundy! That I do not like it any more, not what, and what to see, that thing!
I'm the best fastidious on the face of the planet! The diabolical TV helps me. Being stolen of my present and future to the children, grandchildren.
   The beginning is simple, the thought. Think I can. The thought I want. The thought of being useful to me.
   I get up and step by step. I just get up, just smile and go on! This is the first step, I GET UP!

Good luck!


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